Letter to the Editor: Pat Maier Advocates for the People


To the editor:

I would like to support Pat (Patricia) Maier for Umatilla County Commissioner.

We have been friends for many years. There are things you may not know about Pat. She was solely responsible for setting up the very first girls basketball tournament in Hermiston. She was one of the first women in the area that recognized the need for equality in female sports which was from her own experience in high school playing as an athlete.  She coached girls’ basketball with Ty Hansell where she stressed basketball being a team sport. She later coached AAU teams and was involved with 4-H and FFA.

Pat and I have teamed together to help make the Sheriff’s Neighborhood Watch a success over many years now.

She personally is the reason that the local metal recycler, and the state law was changed.  Now, recyclers must receive accurate information from persons turning in metal and wire, for money. The owner, from Portland, personally visited her home several years ago and wanted to know the issues.  After the meeting he began the process in conducting this cash business in a manner to assist law enforcement.

Pat would make an excellent commissioner in that she advocates for the people and is always willing to listen to both sides.

Jody Brittain, Umatilla


  1. I agree. Patricia Maier is the best candidate for Umatilla County Commissioner. She is knowledgeable, has experience working together for a common goal and it really is time for a women commissioner.

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