Letter: Tour of Knowledge Supports Pet Rescue


To the editor:

Last year the Tour of Knowledge was able to take a tour of the Pet Rescue facility. All of those who took the tour were impressed with the amount of work that is accomplished on a daily basis at the facility.

The facility was clean and the animals were responsive to the people visiting. The staff and volunteers at Pet Rescue operate an open door facility and do not on a daily basis know if they will be dealing with owner surrenders, officials dropping off strays, sick or injured animals, or an emergency rescue. They do so much with what they have. Even opening their doors to pets that need a warm place on the evenings that the Warming Station opens.

The adoption fees are set to help cover the feeding, housing and any medical costs for all animals. Humane euthanasia is offered for a fee for pet owners who cannot afford the cost of a veterinarian, and is only considered for the residents of the shelter if that animal is extremely ill or aggressive.

Does your pet need vaccinations? Pet Rescue can help with that as long as it is not one that the law requires a veterinarian administer. Sometimes, as supplies are available, Pet Rescue can help with emergency food for pets, much as Agape House helps humans. Since the time of the Tour of Knowledge’s visit, Pet Rescue has undergone some renovations and held an Open House. Many of the core members of Tour of Knowledge have had happy and successful adoptions through Pet Rescue.

For all those reasons, the Tour of Knowledge stands solidly in support of this organization that grew out of one community member trying to meet a need that she saw.

Nancy Duncan
Assistant Director and Spokesperson Tour of Knowledge