Letter: Why Good Schools Are Necessary


To the editor:

Historically, Hermiston has strongly supported its schools. Looking purely at the dollars and cents; we can see that our community as a whole significantly benefits from these fantastic facilities.

Hermiston School District has become a vital part of our community’s economic development. When you moved here, what was the first thing you searched out beside a job? For my family and me, it was the schools.

An independent study by EcoNorthwest quantified the economic impacts our community receives from the use of school district facilities by either district-hosted or outside-hosted events. In 2013-14, it was $7.3M and is expect to be more in the subsequent years. That alone creates 78 jobs within our community while also supporting numerous small businesses.

Also, an independent analysis performed by Elesco Limited, found the May 2017 bond election would return a whopping $184 million over the next ten years. Where else in government can you see a net positive return of almost 2:1 on your tax investment?

The last bond measure cost $1.40 per $1,000 of assessed value for $69 million; today’s bond is $.90 per $1,000 of assessed value for $104 million. Because our community continues to grow and add businesses and homeowners, we are sharing that cost over a larger taxing base. There is a direct connection between our investment in schools and our increased tax base.

Schools are the very definition of Community and a primary source of Hermiston’s Economic Vitality. Join me in voting YES for the May 16th Hermiston School District Bond Election.

Mayor Dave Drotzmann
Hermiston, Oregon