Library to Host Family History Research Presentation


The president of the Blue Mountain Genealogical Society will present an Introduction to Family History Research at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct 5, in the Hermiston Public Library Lanham Room.

If you have ever wanted to look into your family history and were unsure how to start or what resources are available, then this presentation will set you on the path. Virginia Roberts, with her 40 years of experience in working with genealogy, will cover the basics of a brand new genealogy project, help you re-start a project that might have stalled, and learn how to avoid common mistakes and the best ways to document your findings.

People interested in attending this free presentation are requested to sign up by calling the library at 541-567-2882, or by stopping by and adding their name to the list of attendees located at the circulation desk.

This presentation is the perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with the library’s newest online research tools, Ancestry Library Edition (for use in the library) and Heritage Quest Online.

The Blue Mountain Genealogical Society is dedicated to preserving the past for future generations. For more information on the Blue Mountain Genealogical Society, visit its website. For more information on the Oct. 5 presentation, call the library at 567-2882.