Library to Host Paranormal Investigators


“Catch the Spirit,” a LEO program from Gorge Paranormal Society, is coming to Hermiston Public Library

Gorge Paranormal Society, a regional organization that investigates paranormal activities, including reported sightings of ghosts, will present a community program, “Catch the Spirit” at Hermiston Public Library, 235 E. Gladys Ave. on Friday, Oct. 4. The program begins at 6:30 p.m. in the downstairs Lanham Room. It is free and all ages are invited.

The program will be a learning experience for the whole family. Pictorial evidence, as well as audio and video examples of spirits that live among us, will be presented. Also included will be first-hand testimonies from people that have had experiences with the society. The group will take questions from the audience at the end of their presentation.

Gorge Paranormal Society also offers historic tours in The Dalles area. Tour-goers have the opportunity to be real ghost hunters, using their own recorders and cameras while on the tour. For more information on the society visit the Gorge Paranormal Society website or find them on Facebook.

The program is sponsored by Hermiston Public Library and Libraries of Eastern Oregon (LEO). For further information please contact Hermiston library director Marie Baldo at 541-567-2882 or LEO director Lyn Craig at