Garth Lind has been named Hermiston School District Teacher of the Year

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Tricia Mooney called Lind the teacher that “teachers come to see. His practice has been a model for over 70 visiting educators from schools as close as Armand Larvie Middle School and as far away as Grandview, Washington over the last four years. It is with good reason that Mr. Lind serves as this exemplary educator.”
In the last three years, 87 percent of students in his class have scored benchmark or above on the Science OAKS assessment, 21 lpercent above the state average. The average growth his students have shown on the Smarter Balanced Assessment has been 55 points in Language Arts greatly outdistancing the expected 32 points of growth students are supposed to make during their fifth grade year. Those numbers, however, are outdistanced in math, where students in Lind’s class over the last three years have grown an average of 75 points while the expected growth is only 40.
“Mr. Lind is the ultimate education facilitator,” Mooney said. “His ability to pose the right question to students and then step back and allow the students to wrestle with problem is unsurpassed.”