Local HazMat Team Responds to Train Derailment

Train Derailment
A 27-car train derailed early Wednesday morning in Union County.

A HazMat team from Hermiston was among the emergency responders called to the scene of a train derailment in Union County early Wednesday morning.

Union Pacific Railroad officials, however, are reporting no significant hazardous material leak occurred at the site of the train derailment along UPRR tracks on the north side of Highway 203 east of La Grande in Union County. The derailment led to a several-hour closure of an eight-mile stretch of the highway while responders got a closer look to assess the extent the derailment and any potential public hazard.

At approximately 1:45 a.m., the train derailment occurred along a section of tracks north of Highway 203 near Hot Lake. The tracks run parallel along the east side of the highway. There are no confirmed injuries to anyone on the train. Incident Command, led by La Grande Fire Department, identified at least two tankers containing hazardous materials. As a precaution, a few area residents were evacuated until a closer assessment was completed. The residents have since been allowed to return home and one lane for area traffic is expected to be re-opening soon.

Not all of the 27 rail cars involved in the derailment overturned and some remained upright.

Emergency responding agencies on scene included La Grande Fire Department, Island City Fire Department, Union County Sheriff’s Office, Oregon State Police, ODOT, Union Pacific Railroad, and Oregon Regional HazMat Team 10 from Hermiston.