Local OSEA Chapter Awards 2 Scholarships to HHS Students


Chapter 10 of the Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) has selected two Hermiston High School graduates to be awarded scholarships worth $500 each, Kendal Muniz and Xavier Mina.Muniz has earned four medical certifications during her time in high school and plans to continue her studies in the health care field, with the goal of becoming a pediatric nurse specializing in oncology. Her union member sponsor was Adrian Muniz.Mina first plans to attend Blue Mountain Community College to earn an Associate of Science Oregon Transfer/Computer Science Degree, then transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s degree in software engineering. His career goal is to work as a software engineer for a technology company. His union member sponsor was Erika Esparza.OSEA is a labor union that represents educational employees throughout Oregon. Chapter 10 is comprised of classified employees who work in supporting roles in the Hermiston School District. The chapter offers educational scholarships annually to chapter members and graduating seniors who are related to a chapter member. For more information about OSEA, visit www.osea.org.