Local OSEA Chapter Offering Pair of $500 Scholarships


Oregon School Employee Association (OSEA) Chapter 10 of Hermiston is offering two scholarships worth $500 each to help those planning to continue their education through an accredited college or university.

One of the scholarships will be awarded to a classified employee of the Hermiston School District who is an OSEA member in good standing. The other is being offered to a graduating high school senior residing within the United States who is related to a current OSEA Chapter 10 member.

OSEA is a labor union representing more than 20,000 education employees throughout Oregon. Chapter 10’s members work in various supportive roles in the Hermiston School District; including classroom assistants, custodians, office and maintenance staff, home liaisons, campus monitors, library media assistants, and speech language pathology assistants.

Scholarship applications are available at the Hermiston High School counselor’s office or by contacting Michelle Kane, Chapter 10’s scholarship chair. Completed applications and accompanying materials need to be turned in at Desert View Elementary School by April 20 at 3 p.m.

For more information, contact Kane at michelle.kane@hermistonsd.org.