M.C. Cultural Coalition Announces Grant Recipients


The Morrow County Cultural Coalition – with support from the Oregon’s Cultural Trust Foundation – announces the following grant recipients for 2015 projects in Morrow County schools and communities:

• Missoula Children’s Theater workshop
• Heppner High School Drama Club
• Irrigon and Boardman elementary schools Artist in Residence
• Morrow County Historical Society Chronicles
• Hampstead Stage Co.

Applications for 2016 cultural-based activities in Morrow County are now being accepted. Projects supported in the past have also included quilting and art groups, art displays, historical library books, cultural entertainment structures and kid’s activities for parks. Grants can be awarded up to 50 percent of the total project cost.

For complete guidelines and an application form, contact Susan Russell at 541-481-4277 or smsel@hotmail.com.