M.C. School District Launches Student Attendance Campaign


Schools in Morrow County are teaming up with local businesses to launch an “Every Day Matters” campaign to improve student attendance in the Morrow County School District.

Educators know that having students present in the classroom every day is crucial to learning, educational growth and student success. Students with excellent attendance are two and a half times more likely to graduate high school and they complete two- and four-year programs after high school at higher rates. Students who are chronically absent (missing 10 percent of the school year) are more likely to drop out of high school, less likely to graduate from college and have difficulty finding stable employment.

Landon Brayden, regional chronic absenteeism coordinator, said that while schools are always working on methods to improve attendance, working with local businesses has proven beneficial.

“Businesses recognize that attendance habits learned during the school years will carry over to the workplace, which benefits employers and employees,” he said. Braden also said school leaders realize that emphasizing good student attendance is a community effort and improving graduation rates positively benefits the overall health of a community.

At the end of August, the Morrow County School District had its first meeting where local business owners were invited. At the meeting, Braden explained the “Every Day Matters” campaign and businesses received signs and posters they can display at their locations.