March 13 Open House to Give Overview of County Housing Study


An open house focusing on the West Umatilla County Housing Study will be held on Wednesday, March 13 at the Stafford Hansell Government Center.

The open house, hosted by the cities of Stanfield, Umatilla and Echo, will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m., and will include presentations and public input. The event will provide overviews of the Residential Buildable Lands Inventory and the Housing and Residential Land Needs Assessment.

For more information or to become involved, contact staff from Stanfield, Umatilla and Echo:

  • Blair Larsen, city of Stanfield, 541-449-3831
  • Tamra Mabbott, city of Umatilla, 541-922-3226 ext. 101 or 541-561-5011
  • Diane Berry, city of Echo, 541-376-8411