McNary Rangers to Offer Bird-Watching Hikes


Park rangers at McNary Lock and Dam will offer free guided bird-watching hikes through the McNary Wildlife Nature Area on Dec. 20, 2014, and Jan. 10, 2015.

As winter settles in, many migratory and resident birds, ducks, raptors and other wildlife can be seen throughout the nature area, located about one mile downstream of the dam along the Columbia River’s Oregon shoreline. Hikers should meet at 8 a.m. in the Pacific Salmon Visitor Information Center. The route is anticipated to take about two hours to walk at a leisurely pace.

Birders of all levels are welcome and should dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes. Participants are also encouraged to bring binoculars, cameras and a portable water bottle. The trail is relatively flat, however hikers should be prepared to travel over uneven and wet surfaces.

For more information about the hikes, call the McNary Natural Resources Management Office at 541-922-2268.