Memorial Day Ceremony Takes Place May 27 at Hermiston Cemetery


Leading up to Memorial Day weekend, the Avenue of Flags are being erected by members of the Hermiston High School football team today, May 23 at the Hermiston Cemetery.

Cmdr. Aaron Wetterling, of American Legion Post No. 37, said U.S. Navy veteran Dennis Aiken recently completed an inventory and repaired flags. Featuring more than 500 flags, it will remain on display through Memorial Day. The cemetery is open daily from dawn until dusk.

The Memorial Day ceremony is Monday, May 27, at 10 a.m. The program includes the presentation of colors by the American Legion Honor Guard and music featuring an ensemble from Hermiston High School, under the direction of Sean McClanahan. The special speaker is Rev. Dean Hackett. Wetterling encourages people to bring lawn chairs.

For more about the American Legion Post, search Facebook via For questions, contact Wetterling at 541-720-1815 or


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