Mosquito Control District to Conduct Aerial Spray in Hermiston Area


The West Umatilla Mosquito Control District will be conducting targeted ultra-low volume aerial mosquito control spraying with a twin-engine airplane after sunset on Monday, Sept. 6, weather permitting.

The application will be scheduled for the following day if the weather causes a cancellation.

A total of 10,240 acres are to be targeted in areas north and east of Hermiston that have high populations of vector and nuisance mosquitoes. The target area includes the Power City area between Highway 395 east to the Highway 730/Diagonal Junction, and south to Punkin Center. No areas within city limits are currently scheduled for aerial spraying. Ground trucks will be used within the city limits if necessary.

People are encouraged to take appropriate precautions to protect themselves against mosquito bites. The West Umatilla Mosquito Control District reported one positive West Nile virus sample in mosquitoes collected west of Hermiston in early August. Another sample, collected in the Power City area tested positive on Aug. 31. That sample is undergoing confirmatory testing at the Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Lab.

Most people who become infected with West Nile Virus may have a mild illness. People infected with the virus may develop mild flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, and occasionally swollen lymph glands or a rash. You may be at a greater at risk of serious illness include if you are 50 and older are affected with immune-compromising conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. In a very few cases West Nile may cause encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. Individuals with severe or unusual headaches should seek medical care as soon as possible.