Mulvihill Named 'Boss of the Year'


Mark Mulvihill
Mark Mulvihill
Intermountain Education Service District Superintendent Dr. Mark Mulvihill has been named “Boss of the Year” for 2015 at the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce’s 2015 First Citizen’s Banquet on Jan. 23 at Wildhorse Resort & Casino.

Mulvihill came to IMESD in July 2008, and led the organization through the merger between the former Umatilla-Morrow and Union-Baker ESDs in 2011. That same year, Mulvihill was appointed by Gov. John Kitzhaber to serve on the newly-created Oregon Education Investment Board, which serves to create a streamlined PreK-20 education system in Oregon. Mulvihill is the only rural and only Eastern Oregon member of the Board, which was created by Senate Bill 909 during the 2011 Legislative Session.

In 2009, he was appointed by then-Governor Ted Kulongoski and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo to serve, respectively, on the state’s Quality Education Commission and Race to the Top committee. He is currently a member of the Oregon Association of ESDs and the Confederation of School Administrators Policy and Vision Task Force.