Names Released of Victim, Officers Involved in Use-of-Force Incident


The names of the officers involved in use-of-force incident on Feb. 24 have been released, as well as the name of the victim.

The Oregon State Police released the names of Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Jason Post, 33, and Milton-Freewater Police Department officer James Farr, 31. Both officers remain on paid administrative leave pursuant to Senate Bill 111 and their respective department’s policies.

The gunshot victim is Stacy Albert Clark, 45, who remains in intensive care.

The incident began around 11:44 p.m. on Feb. 24 when Umatilla County Dispatch received a 9-1-1 report of shots being fired at 84876 Woodrow St., in Umapine.

Post and Farr both responded to the residence and were confronted at the door by Clark, who was armed. According to the OSP, the two officers shot Clark during the confrontation. Clark’s weapon was recovered at the scene.

Post started as a reserve deputy with Umatilla County in 2010 and was hired full-time in December 2013. Farr became a police officer in 2013 and joined the Milton-Freewater Police Department in April 2015.

The major crime team detectives assigned to the case have completed interviews and are continuing to work to get a complete case to the Umatilla County District Attorney for review.