Neely McKay Hired as Hermiston’s Director of Student Services


Neely McKay, current director of curriculum and instruction for the Hood River County School District, has been hired as the new Hermiston School District director of student services, starting July 1.

Neely McKay

With more than 11 years of administrative experience and as the director of student services, McKay will provide leadership and support the district’s mission and vision by carrying out management, administrative, and supervisory functions for the district’s student services programs, including counseling, school social work and health services.

McKay was a former Sandstone Middle School principal, taught at Hermiston High School and Armand Larive Middle School, and served as the district’s Talented and Gifted Program coordinator. While working for the Hermiston School District, she earned the following accomplishments:

  • 2007 Hermiston School District Educator of the Year and Armand Larive Middle School Educator of the Year
  • 2008 National FFA Distinguished Service Award
  • 2012 Geny Award Winner

“This position was created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to enable the district to better serve students,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tricia Mooney. “With the abrupt closure of schools, the social-emotional needs of our students will be greater when they return to our classrooms. I am excited to have Ms. McKay’s leadership as we align a system of supports for students in what will be our new normal.”

McKay holds a bachelor of science degree in agriculture education from the University of Idaho and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Washington State University.