Developing housing in Hermiston just became more profitable thanks to changes which will allow for smaller lot sizes, greater lot coverage, and easier development standards for constrained lots. The new standards are available for review on the city of Hermiston website.
The Hermiston Planning Commission held several public workshops with the real estate and development community to discuss the issues effecting residential development in the City. One solution is to promote in-fill development in existing developed neighborhoods. The change adds a section to the code of ordinances to establish a process for designating in-fill properties and allowing deviations from some development standards.
Changes to the lot size, lot coverage and setback requirements will impact all residential zones. Minimum lot sizes for single family dwellings go from 9,000 to 8,000 square feet in R-1, 7,500 to 6,500 square feet in R-2, and 6,000 to 5,000 square feet in R-3, R-4 and RR zones. Maximum lot coverage goes from 30 percent to 40 percent plus 5 percent for covered decks and patios in R-1, and 35% to 45% plus 5% for covered decks and patios in R-2, R-3, R-4 and RR zones. Front yard setbacks are reduced from 20 feet to 15 feet plus 20 feet for garage; covered porches may be set at 10 feet for all residential zones. Side yard setbacks are reduced from 7 feet to 5 feet in the R-2, R-3, R-4 and RR zones.
All changes were approved by the Hermiston City Council on Sept. 25, and the amendments will take effect Oct. 25. Copies of all changes are available through the City of Hermiston Planning Department.