ODFW: Leave Wildlife in the Wild


May and June are the months when newborn animals are getting their start in the wild. Help them out by giving them space and leaving them alone.

ODFW and Oregon State Police remind Oregonians that taking young animals out of the wild isn’t just against the law — it’s also bad for the animal. These animals miss the chance to learn important survival skills from their parents like where to feed, what to eat, how to behave as part of a group and how to escape from predators.

Unfortunately, every year about this time, ODFW offices across Oregon get calls from people concerned about “orphaned” deer fawns, elk calves, seal pups and other animals they find alone. But the mother animal is usually just off feeding not far away. She will return soon, so don’t interfere.

“People often pick up animals they find alone out of good intentions, without realizing they may be sentencing the animal to an early death by removing it from its natural environment and its parents,” said Julia Burco, ODFW Wildlife Veterinarian.

“Never assume one of a young animal is orphaned unless you saw the parent killed,” continued Burco. “In almost all cases, the parent will return once it is safe to do so, like when people and dogs aren’t around.”

If an animal is injured, or truly orphaned, it needs special care. Oregon’s licensed wildlife rehabilitators have the knowledge and facilities to provide this care. They use special methods that limit human interaction and mimic the animal’s natural lifestyle as much as possible, so the animal can hopefully be returned to the wild.

Before picking up any wild animal, call ODFW, Oregon State Police, or a wildlife rehabilitator for advice. Removing or “capturing” an animal from the wild and keeping it in captivity without a permit is against state law (OAR 635-044-0015), as is transporting many animals. Last year, seven people were cited for such offenses.