ODFW Selling Leftover Tags


Leftover tags are now up for sale. Tags can be purchased via Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife’s online licensing system.

New this year, leftover tags can be purchased through a license agent in addition to the online sale.

  • An existing tag already purchased or a controlled hunt win for which you haven’t yet purchased the tag can be exchanged online or with an agent for $7 (residents) and $15 (non-residents).
  • If you have not yet purchased the controlled hunt tag you won, there is no fee to exchange this tag. These exchanges can be for leftover or general season tags.

list of leftover tags is available online. Purchasing a leftover tag does not affect your preference points.

Hunters who want to try purchasing one of the more than 7,000 leftover tags (4,599 for 100 buck deer series, 2,648 for 200 elk series) through ODFW’s online licensing system must set up their online account with a username and password before the sale date. See MyODFW.com for how to purchase a leftover tag.

Reminder that leftover tags are no longer available as an additional tag, a change enacted in 2020 to distribute hunting opportunities more equitably. That means hunters who have already purchased a controlled or general season deer or elk tag cannot purchase a leftover tag in the same hunt series unless they exchange the existing tag.

Also, any hunter that purchases a leftover tag cannot purchase any other controlled hunt or general season tag for that hunt series. Hunters who purchased a SportPac can also choose to redeem their deer and/or elk tag vouchers for a leftover tag.