ODOT Holding Public Meetings in E. Oregon

Meeting, Push Pin (Photo: Fotolia)

The North East and South East Area Commissions on Transportation (NEACT and SEACT), along with the Oregon Department of Transportation will host public meetings in eight eastern Oregon communities on the evening of Feb. 27 to discuss proposed transportation projects.

The meetings will start at 6 p.m. The meetings are being held to provide information to the public and collect comments on the Draft 2018-2021 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, also known as the STIP. All interested parties are encouraged to attend at one of these meeting sites.

The STIP comprises a list of transportation projects proposed for funding during the 2018-2021 four-year construction cycle. Over eighty projects are proposed for the eastern Oregon area. The four-year STIP, updated every two years, is developed through the coordinated efforts of ODOT, Area Commissions on Transportation (ACTs), federal and local governments, tribal governments and the public.

Meeting locations:

Burns – Harney County Courthouse, basement meeting room, 450 N. Buena Vista

John Day – Oregon Telephone Co., conference room, 155 W Main Street

Baker City – Public Library, 2400 Resort Street, Baker City, OR

Pendleton – Blue Mountain Comm. College, Emigrant Hall, room 128, 2411 NW Carden Ave.

La Grande – Eastern – Oregon University, Inlow Hall, room 013, One University Blvd.

Boardman – Blue Mountain Comm. College, 300 NE Front Street

Enterprise – Wallowa County ESD, 107 SW 1st, room #105

Ontario – OR Dept. of Transportation Office, 1390 SE 1st Ave. (7 p.m. Mountain Time)
“These meetings provide an excellent opportunity for people to learn more about transportation projects proposed for eastern Oregon,” said Grant County Commissioner and SEACT Co-Chair Boyd Britton.

Each meeting will be linked via Eastern Oregon University’s video conference system Zoom.com. Those attending will have the opportunity to participate with all other sites. Comments and public testimony given during the evening will be documented and presented to the Oregon Transportation Commission for consideration, prior to finalization of the 2018-2021 STIP.

If you can’t make it to one of the meeting sites, you can connect to the presentation remotely on February 27 using your computer, tablet or smart phone Type https://zoom.us/join in your internet browser, enter meeting ID: 175-119-566 and password: odotstip .This Zoom connection information, along project listing, map, and more information about the STIP are posted on the ODOT website at www.tinyurl.com/odot-region5 .