ODOT: No Political Signs on State Highways


Signs of the times are everywhere – political signs, that is and the Oregon Department of Transportation is reminding candidates and their campaigns of state rules regulating political signs on state highways.

ODOT issued reminders recently that political signs may not be posted on any Oregon state highway right of way, and that there are restrictions for signs placed on private property visible from state highways.

No signs except official traffic control devices are allowed in the state highway right of way including on trees, utility poles, and fence posts within the highway right of way. Improperly placed signs, including political signs, may be removed and held by the local ODOT District Maintenance office.

Temporary signs, including political signs, are allowed on private property within view of state highways with the following restrictions:

  • The sign is limited to 12 square feet.
  • No flashing or intermittent lights, animated or moving parts are allowed.
  • Signs must not imitate an official highway sign or device.
  • Signs are not allowed in scenic areas.


Local municipalities may also regulate the placement of political signs.

Visit the ODOT website for more information on ODOT’s outdoor advertising sign rules.