ODOT Plans Intersection Improvement Project for Pendleton


The Oregon Department of Transportation is designing an intersection improvement project to create a more efficient and safer ride for drivers and reduce the cost of maintenance in downtown Pendleton.

Planning is underway for intersection improvements at SW Dorion Avenue and SW 10th Street. (ODOT photo)

Traffic signals at the intersections of S.W. Court Avenue and S.W. First Street, and S.W. Dorion Avenue and S.W. 10th Street are outside their existing lifespans. The intersection traffic conditions have changed since the original installation of signals, and from a traffic volume and safety perspective, they are no longer needed. As part of the design process, ODOT will set up interim traffic control at both intersections and monitor to evaluate how this new pattern works and make sure it is safe for all users.

This interim traffic configuration begins Monday, March 4. ODOT will cover existing traffic signals, install two-way stops and monitor for 90 days.

ODOT is encouraging the public to provide comments and visit ODOT’s online open house to learn more about this project and share your comments, questions and ideas with us. The online open house and comments are open now through June 4.

The project design is underway, with construction scheduled for 2025.

Project information can also be found at the Pendleton Intersection Improvements webpage.