Offer of Rewards Continue Across Oregon for Recent Poaching Cases


Poachers killed three cow elk in Umatilla County and a bull elk in Lincoln County earlier this month. Anyone with information that leads to an arrest or citation in either case may receive rewards of $1,000 per animal or four hunter preference points.

On Jan. 6, Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife troopers received a report of three dead cow elk located on private property in the Columbia Basin Unit in Umatilla County. The carcasses were near Cold Springs Reservoir and Kosmos Road. All three cows had been shot the night before and left to waste. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Oregon State Police Dispatch at 1-800-452-7888, *OSP (*677), or email at Reference case number SP24006650.

On Jan. 8, Fish and Wildlife troopers from the Newport office responded to a report of a bull elk shot and killed in a clearing near milepost 4 on Harlan Road. They located the carcass approximately 100 yards from a Weyerhaeuser gate above Harlan Road. Evidence indicates the bull elk was illegally shot the previous night. The poacher or poachers removed two hindquarters from the carcass, leaving most of the meat to waste. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Oregon State Police Dispatch at 1-800-452-7888, *OSP (*677), or email at Reference case number SP008527.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Oregon State Police Dispatch at 1-800-452-7888, *OSP (*677), or email at Reference case number SP24006650.