Op-Ed: Let Your Voice Be Heard on Community Brand


It’s time! The Hermiston community brand survey you’ve been hearing about for months is now open. The Hermiston Brand Committee recently launched a survey to obtain community input about two brand identity concepts (logos and taglines). We want to know which logo and which tagline you believe best captures the spirit of Hermiston.

The survey in both English and Spanish is open from March 15 – 31. Share your thoughts by completing the survey at HermistonBrand.com.

The survey is also available in print form at these locations:

  • Hermiston High School Main Commons area, Wed., March 16 from 4:30–7:30 p.m.
  • Hispanic Advisory Committee meeting, Mon., March 21 from 7–8:30 p.m. in the cty of Hermiston Council Chambers
  • Hermiston Chamber of Commerce offices, through March 31 during regular business hours
  • Hermiston City Hall, also through March 31 during regular business hours


We all share an enthusiasm for Hermiston, and this is an important opportunity to help shape our future for decades to come. Be sure to tell your family, friends and colleagues who live and/or work in Hermiston area about the survey, so we hear from as many people as possible. Following your input, the committee will present an official brand concept for the community.

We are two members of the 25-member committee that represented Hermiston’s diverse residents and workforce throughout the process of developing the brand identity concepts you’ll see in the survey. From its beginning, the committee took this task very seriously and delivered a lot of passion, discussion, and debate. The result was incredible collaboration, which produced brand elements we believe reflects the community’s collective voice from the previous survey, as well as the vast spectrum of what makes Hermiston a treasure.

On behalf of all members of the Hermiston Brand Committee, thanks for your ongoing support, involvement, and willingness to complete our survey. Be sure to visit the brand website regularly for updates and to read the latest news about the community branding effort.

Let your voice be heard! Complete the online survey today.

Jesus Rome is a member of the Hispanic Advisory Committee and Fredrick Gonzalez is a student at Hermiston High School