Oregon Now in 2-Week Freeze


Gov. Kate Brown on Tuesday issued Executive Order 20-65 following last week’s announcement of a statewide freeze to stop the rapid community spread of COVID-19 in Oregon.

In an effort to stop the increase of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, the order outlines measures designed to limit gatherings and curb human contact.

The order went into effect on Wednesday.

“I know Oregonians have made tremendous sacrifices throughout this pandemic and that these new, temporary restrictions may seem daunting,” said Brown. “But, we are at a breaking point. If we don’t take further action, we risk continued alarming spikes in infections and hospitalizations, and we risk the lives of our neighbors and loved ones.”

What’s Affected by the Two-Week Freeze:

  • Gyms and fitness centers: Closed
  • Indoor/outdoor recreational facilities: Closed
  • Venues that host indoor/outdoor events: Closed
  • Restaurants and bars: Takeout only
  • Long-term care facilities: Outdoor visitations only
  • Grocery stores, pharmacies, retail stores and malls: Limited to 75% of maximum capacity with curbside pickup encouraged
  • Offices: Mandate work-from-home as much as possible and close buildings to the public
  • Indoor/outdoor social gatherings: No more than 6 people total and no more than 2 households present
  • Faith-based organizations and gatherings: No more than 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoor

“I also know that Oregonians come together in times of need, and we owe it to each other to take these measures seriously. It is up to all of us to work together to get this virus under control.”

As with the Governor’s previous executive orders related to COVID-19, all of the freeze measures are enforceable by law upon both individuals and businesses. Brown, however, is urging voluntary compliance. These measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 are a necessity to give Oregon a fighting chance to flatten the curve and save lives.

“I expect local law enforcement to continue to use an education first approach, but Oregonians need to understand that these rules are enforceable under law,” said Brown. “A large majority of Oregonians continue to do the right thing to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their neighbors. However, when Oregonians don’t take COVID-19 seriously, and don’t take steps to reduce the spread of the disease, they put all of us at risk. We need all Oregonians to use common sense, make smart choices, and take seriously their individual responsibilities during a public health emergency.”

For more information, go online.


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