Out of the Darkness Walk in Pendleton to Raise Awareness of Suicide


The public is invited to join the Umatilla County Out of the Darkness Walk this Saturday, Sept. 21 at Roy Raley Park, S.W. Court Avenue in Pendleton.

Registration is free for the event to raise awareness, honor loved ones and support survivors of suicide loss. Registration at www.afsp.org/pendleton closes at noon on Friday, Sept. 20, or walkers can register in person from the time check-in begins at 10 a.m. until the walk starts at 11 a.m. Please note that marking yourself as “going” on Facebook is not registering for the walk.

Walk donations will be accepted until Dec. 31, 2019. For more information, contact Amanda Walsborn at 541-278-5432 or amanda.walsborn@umatillacounty.net.