Pair of BMCC Students Selected to All-Oregon Academic Team


Two Blue Mountain Community College (BMCC) students are among the 45 students statewide selected to the 2020-2021 All-Oregon Academic Team (AOAT).

Tonya Evans
Andrew Wolotira

BMCC students Tonya Evans and Andrew Wolotira join 43 other community college students on the team. Students are selected for their academic excellence, leadership and community service, and are all members of Phi Theta Kappa, the nation’s community college honor society.

“I’d like to congratulate these outstanding student scholars for their achievements and the completion of their community college degrees,” said Cam Preus, executive director of the Oregon Community College Association (OCCA) which announced the selections. “As some of our very best and brightest, these students represent hope for a strong future in Oregon.”

Each year, Phi Theta Kappa, community college presidents, and community college state associations like OCCA sponsor All-State Community College Academic Team ceremonies in 37 participating states. Traditionally, OCCA hosts the All-Oregon Academic Team Luncheon in Salem each April to honor AOAT students with their families, and an appearance by Gov. Kate Brown. Due to COVID-19, however, the 2020 and 2021 luncheons were cancelled. Instead, OCCA honors these students through a special recognition program on its website,