Parking Permits Now Required at Wildlife Areas


As of Jan. 1, visitors to Oregon Fish & Wildlife areas, including two in Boardman, one in Hermiston and one in Irrigon, will have to have a parking permit.

ODFW wildlife areas that now require a parking permit include the Power City Wildlife Area in Hermiston, the Irrigon Wildlife Area, and the Coyote Springs Wildlife Area and the Jewell Meadows Wildlife Area, both in Boardman.

The cost for a daily permit is $7 and annual permits are $22. The permits are required by anyone visiting the wildlife areas.

Permits can be purchased online, at ODFW offices that sell licenses as well as Big 5 Sporting Goods in Hermiston, High Desert Marine in Hermiston, Wal-Mart and Bi-Mart in Hermiston, Boardman Hardware and Irrigon Shell. Parking permits must be displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard. Permits are transferrable between cars, but each vehicle must have a permit while parked at the wildlife area.

A free parking permit is included with an annual Oregon hunting license; combination fishing and hunting license; Sports Pac; and Habitat Conservation Stamp. Operation and maintenance of ODFW wildlife areas are primarily funded by hunters through federal excise taxes on sporting arms and ammunition and hunting license fees.

Revenue from the Parking Permit Program will be used to improve habitat and infrastructure and to enhance wildlife viewing opportunities at wildlife areas.