Partners Seek to End Runarounds for Families


For a family needing to find education, child care, nutrition or housing services, the path to these resources can be a bewildering jumble of doors. A network of community partners in Morrow, Umatilla, and Union counties is implementing a system that will ensure any of those doors will be the right one.

The “No Wrong Door” system will allow a family to access community resources from any starting point.

Families will no longer need to know what services they may or may not qualify for in order to access the supports that they need. By completing a short online or paper application, families will be linked to a recruiter who is knowledgeable of all child and family services including, but not limited to, preschool opportunities, parenting education, Child Care Resource & Referral, health and human services, home visiting services, WIC, housing, and transportation. By accessing the No Wrong Door icon on any partner’s website, or visiting a community partner participating in the No Wrong Door process, a family will be contacted within two business days and appropriate services determined as quickly as possible.

Partners in the project include the Blue Mountain Early Learning Hub, Morrow County Public Health, Umatilla County Public Health, InterMountain Education Service District, WIC, Child Care Resource and Referral , Healthy Families Oregon, the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative, Nurse-Family Partnership, Pioneer Relief Nursery, Oregon Child Development Coalition, Eastern Oregon Head Start, and Umatilla-Morrow Head Start.

“The program will allow families to access community resources or to allow those assisting a family in accessing resources to do so efficiently and effectively”, said Cade Burnette, co-coordinator of the Blue Mountain Early Learning Hub. “This approach is not intended to replace the intake process of specific agencies that are already in place, but rather to act as a safety net to ensure all families have easy access to the resources that they may be eligible for.”

For more information, contact Burnette at 541-564-6878.