Pest Training Course Set for Hermiston


A training course designed for university extension field faculty, agency professionals, and crop consultants on insects, diseases and weeds identification, management and control will take place in Hermiston later this year.

The training course will take place June 8-10 at the Hermiston Agricultural Research & Extension Center. The training will include many hands-on aspects, such as collecting, mounting, and identifying pest issues in your area. Training will also include pest management and create on of an educational display.

Enrollment is limited to 20 people and there is a charge of $125 for the course. All handouts, most materials, equipment and supplies will be furnished. A community service project related to pest management is expected of each participant. Webinars will be available before the class.

Instructors will be Oregon State University Entomologist Specialist Silvia Rondon; Washington State University Extension Specialist Steve Van Vleet; OSU’s Stuart Reitz; and University of Idaho Weed Specialist Pamela Hutchinson. The course facilitator will be Mary Corp.

To register for the course, call 541-278-5403 or 541-567-8321 or e-mail or