Pie Sale to Benefit HHS Senior Party


Do you need a freshly baked pie for Thanksgiving? Are you also looking to support a good cause this holiday season? Here’s a way to take care of both goals.

Project Graduation for Hermiston High School is holding a pie sale to help cover the expenses of the senior party it holds for the graduating class each year. The pies are sold by HHS students from Oct. 1-20 for $10 to $15 each. The sale includes fruit, pecan and pumpkin pies, and a variety of cheesecakes that can either be picked up at the high school on Nov. 24 or, if you ordered from a student, your order will be delivered shortly after that date.

“Project Graduation keeps half of the cost of the pies,” said Tania Hoeft, Project Graduation’s pie sale coordinator.

Project Graduation for HHS is a nonprofit organization comprised of parents and other community members who organize a drug- and alcohol-free party for the high school seniors on graduation night.

“For some seniors it is tempting to celebrate the wrong way,” said Michelle Kane, a Project Graduation committee member. “Our party is not only a large-scale event with lots of activities, but it also provides a safe way to celebrate with fellow classmates.”