Police Blotter: Declaring War on City Hall


The cold weather has kept the troublemakers at home, but with the weather warming up, so is the Hermiston police blotter activity.

RP = Reporting Party

Wednesday, Jan. 18
Then Open It
RP states that there is someone knocking on her door.

Friday, Jan. 20
Maybe Go Inside?
RP states her ex-boyfriend called her and said he was in front of Jack in the Box and said he was freezing to death.

Saturday, Jan. 21
Were the People Loud, Too, Or Just People
RP reports loud music and people.

Tuesday, Jan. 24
Pretty Scary
Suspicious vehicle, occupants whistling, driving around block.

Friday, Jan. 27
Bear on Highland Avenue!
RP reports there is a bear in her front yard, near the sidewalk on W. Highland Avenue. She is concerned for the safety of kids in the neighborhood.

Sunday, Jan. 29
Back for More
RP with Loss prevention at Walmart reports there is a male there that stole a TV yesterday and RP thinks he is trying to steal another one.

Friday, Feb. 17
Fashion Concern?
RP reports some guys drove by her very slowly in a green Honda Accord and they had bandanas on.

Saturday, Feb. 18
What Kind of Noise? Loud. How Much? A Lot
RP reports his neighbors to the left as your walking to his house are making a lot of loud noise.

Monday, Feb. 20
Creepy Report of the Week
RP states 8-year-old daughter was selling Girl Scout cookies when a older WMA wearing overalls drk tshirt and jacket approached her outside Safeway he said he wanted to talk to her, he was trying to get personal info, he threw a $20 on the table, and left without cookies.

Tuesday, Feb. 21
What is the World Coming To?
RP states boys were yelling at girls 10 minutes ago.

Wednesday, Feb. 22
Not So Subtle
Business reports it had theft, female adult took approximately 20 items, 2 pairs jeans, 10 shirts, 5-6 tank tops. Suspect approximately 5’6” to 5’8”, dark brown, hair, slender, light-colored skinny jeans and tan boots.

Dancing Has Been Outlawed?
White male dressed all in black, 5’10” slender, acting strangely, dancing in the crosswalk by McDonald’s.

Thursday, Feb. 23
This Means War!
RP wants an officer to call the City Hall, the city turned off her water and she wants an officer to have it turned on or she is sending the military.

Sunday, Feb. 26
She Deserves a Break Today
Female has been in McDonald’s more than 2 hours, currently sleeping. Management would like her trespassed.

Monday, Feb. 27
Who Needs a Prosecutor?
Store manager was going thru camera and caught an employee stealing. Employee is not currently at the store, he was fired. Subject has since brought back the items used, and damaged, value over $1000, they have text from subject admitting to the theft as well.