Police Blotter: Staff Tires of Slow-Eating Patron


Here’s our weekly look at what folks are reporting to the Hermiston Police Department.

RP = Reporting Party

Wednesday, Dec. 7
While He’s Laying Down?
There is a white male, laying down in the middle of the road stopping traffic and trying to open RP’s trunk.

Don’t Pay It
RP reports he received a bill from Charter and he does not have services with them.

Big Cat Sighting No. 1
Oxbow Trail #1, SW 23rd St/W Orchard Ext. Reported seeing a cougar in the area.

Dog Gone
RP reports that he bought a dog from the housekeeper at local motel where RP is living right now. RP made an agreement to pay her the rest of the money on Friday and while RP was gone today the housekeeper came in his room and took the dog.

Not It’s Natural Habitat
RP says homeowner has a parakeet in a cage hanging from the tree, she is concerned it is too cold for it.

Thursday, Dec. 8
Kind of Embarrassing
RP is stuck on the skating bowl at Campus Live. His shoes have no traction, he is requesting assistance.

Friday, Dec. 9
RP would like a phone call from officer wants to thank them for their help last night.

Should Be Home Baking Them
RP states that there is a white truck with cab light on the roof and a small black car spinning cookies in the church parking lot.

Saturday, Dec. 10
Doesn’t Mind the Pictures, Just the Noise
RP states that there is a group of girls running around the apartment complex swearing and yelling. RP states that 2 live next to him and the other lives kitty corner across from him. RP states that they are looking in windows and trying to take pictures of people. RP states that he cannot give a description, but they are running around outside. RP states that one of the younger girls is small and looks like she is wearing pajamas, the other 2 are taller one with long hair and one with short hair. RP states that he does not need contact, just wants them to quiet down.

Check with Parakeet Owner
RP states there is a green parrot at his bird feeder. He tried to catch it, but it flew into a tree. Info only if someone reports it missing.

Sunday, Dec. 11
First It’s Cookies, Now It’s Circles
RP reports there is a car with a group of guys that are messing around in the business parking lot. RP advises they are spinning circles in a small little “race car.”

Obviously No Supervision
RP reporting 4 wheelers in Highland Summit area; were dragging others behind them earlier but they are now driving erratic, sliding around corners; no adult supervision.

Mike, People Are Watching You
At 2:21 p.m., RP advised Mike just ran into stop sign at E. Reeder, no injury.

Mike, Is That You?
At 2:24 p.m., vehicle hit a stop sign at E. Wilshire Ave., people are out walking around.

When Parenting Skills Fail, Call the Police
RP states her 17 year old juvenile will not listen to her and is threatening to leave the residence.

Monday, Dec. 12
Sloooooow Eater
RP advising there is a female that has been in the restaurant since 5 p.m., or so and staff is growing uncomfortable with her having her there. The woman has refused to move to a smaller table when asked since she has been there for so long. Staff have not asked her to leave but are unsure how to get her out of the restaurant, as she is not cooperating with their requests to move tables or to pay her tab and she has barely touched her food.

Tuesday, Dec. 13
Bit Cat Sighting No. 2
Officer checking on a report of a cougar siting behind Safeway Plaza.