Ratio of New COVID-19 Cases in Umatilla County Highest in State


For the two-week period of July 11-24, Umatilla County had the highest ratio of new COVID-19 cases per population in the state.

According to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Umatilla County had 411 new cases, which works out to 504 per 100,000 population. The county with the next highest ratio was Josephine County with 296 cases per 100,000 population.

Morrow County was at 273 per 100,000 population during that same timeframe.

Morrow County, however, led the state in positive test rates with 17.9 percent of tests coming back positive. Umatilla County was a close second with 17.6 coming back positive. Wallowa and Union counties were the only other counties with positive test rates in double digits with 14.8 and 10.8 respectively.

Umatilla and Morrow counties also lag behind most counties when it comes to vaccination rates. As of July 25, Umatilla County had the sixth lowest rate in the state at 43.3 percent with Morrow County having the seventh lowest rate at 45.5 percent, according to the OHA.


  1. And here comes the County Fair and Roundup to further our misery.

    Get vaccinated, please. Wear a mask, and wear it properly. There is no substitute for common sense.

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