Rep. Walden to Hold Town Hall Meeting at SAGE Center on Feb. 18


U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Hood River) announced today he will hold a town hall in Morrow County on Monday, Feb. 18.

U.S Rep. Greg Walden
U.S Rep. Greg Walden

The town hall will take place at 9:15 a.m. at the SAGE Center, 101 Olson Road in Boardman.

“After completing nine town halls so far this year, I am excited to continue my town hall schedule next week in Morrow County,” said Walden. “Town hall meetings help me update my ‘to-do’ list to take back to Washington, D.C. as I work to solve problems and grow jobs in our district. I look forward to meeting with people on the ground in Morrow County and hearing their concerns, input, and feedback on the issues facing our state and country.”