Rep. Witt to Visit Hermiston on March 19


The Hermiston Chamber of Commerce will host a visit to Hermiston from Oregon State Rep. Brad Witt on Saturday, March 19.

Witt will be at Stetson’s Steak House at noon. He serves District 31, which covers all of Columbia County and northern parts of Washington and Multnomah counties. Witt is the chairman of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and sits on the Rural Communities, Land Use and Water and the Ways & Means Transportation and Economic Development committees.

Chamber President Debbie Pedro said Witt visited Hermiston two and a half years ago.

“Brad is interested in economics of rural Oregon and would like to hear from you about issues in this region,” Pedro said. “This is an opportunity to hear his perspective on where things are headed that impact our economy, our way of life and get his perspective on past year’s policies that impact our area.”

While in Hermiston, Witt will be touring the regional water project areas and regional water system improvements.

RSVP for the event by emailing Pedro at or by calling 541-567-6151.