Results of Local Housing Study to Be Focus of Open House on Thursday


The cities of Echo, Stanfield and Umatilla are hosting a second and final open house for the public to learn more about the West County Housing Study.

The open house is scheduled for May 30 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Stafford Hansell Government Center. Beginning at 6:30 the consulting teams will give a presentation of the Draft Housing Strategies Report, which includes recommendations for each city.

Examples of recommendations include adopting plan policies, rezoning land, increasing density and other code changes, as well as possible financial and funding sources. After the Strategies Report is finalized, each city will work with their respective planning commissions and city councils to adopt and implement recommendations.

Anyone interested in housing is encouraged to attend. Staff from each city will be on hand to listen, answer questions and record input.

This project is funded by a grant from the Department of Land Conservation & Development.

“The housing study that we are wrapping up will help set housing and land use policy for our Cities for the next 20 years,” said Stanfield City Manager Blair Larsen. “This has been a very important project, and we are very pleased with our volunteers and the grant from the state of Oregon that made all of this possible.”

According to Tamra Mabbott, Community Development Director, the results come at a “pivotal time for Umatilla. In 2018, Umatilla had 66 new homes, more than the total of the previous decade. The city will consider programs and other measures to maintain this positive housing growth trajectory. We are working hard to encourage housing for all households.”

The city of Hermiston completed a similar study in 2017.