Rocky Heights Elementary Redesigns Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up Location


Rocky Heights Elementary redesigned the student drop off/pick-up location on the parking lot that faces W. Standard Avenue to improve efficiency and safety in the main parking lot on the southeast side of the building.

The new change will tentatively become effective on Monday, Oc. 30. The change resulted from feedback from the community that was shared over the past two years.

New lines were painted on Oct. 27 to clearly delineate two separate lanes — one lane to stop and drop off/pick-up students with the other lane allowing for vehicles to drive through the lane without stopping for long time periods.

Last year, to address the traffic flow on the west side of the school (NW 7th Street), the staff
added cones to ensure free access for school buses. The intent was to prevent traffic moving
alongside cars when students are getting dropped off. This change made it safer and efficient
for students and parents during the drop-off and pick-up times.

To assist students and parents with the new traffic flow, the first several days there will be extra staff in the parking lot before and after school to assist with a successful transition.