Yo Country Frozen Yogurt at the Cottage Plaza will host Hermiston’s annual arrival of Santa beginning Friday, Nov. 28 and continuing through Dec. 23.
Pictures with Santa are free, but donations of a food item to Agape House are encouraged. The food will be used for the Agape House’s elementary school food backpack program.
“You can even take a picture with your own camera or cell phone because we want all the kids to see Santa,” says John Perkins, who loves to play the part of Santa each Christmas season.
LifeFlight of Pendleton will fly Santa to the Cottage Plaza at 10 a.m. the morning after Thanksgiving to a landing zone set up by Hermiston Fire and Emergency Services. LifeFlight will be on location to perform a community outreach event and provide Hermiston residents with information about their air ambulance services and membership.
Santa’s hours will be every Friday and Saturday until Christmas, as well as select Sundays.
“Every child deserves a free visit with Santa,” said Perkins. “Last year we took over a thousand professional pictures which were e-mailed to the family. Most of all, this event promotes the community coming together to give food to our kids through Agape House.”
Donations will also be accepted to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Seattle Firefighter Stair Climb, in which Hermiston firefighters participate each March to raise money.
Santa’s photo location is at 1725 N. Highway 395 at Cottage Plaza between Auto Zone and Taco Bell.
For more information, visit Yo Country Yogurt’s Facebook page.