School District Menus Meet New Standards


At a time when school districts across the country are struggling to meet rigorous, new food standards, Hermiston School District is leading the way.

The Oregon Department of Education’s School Nutrition Department recently notified the Hermiston School District that a menu validation review of its National School Lunch Program confirmed that HSD menus fully comply with new meal standards outline by the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.

Hermiston’s food service provider, Chartwells, assisted in this review.

“Chartwells is proud to be associated with the Hermiston School District. Chartwells’ number one goal is to provide nutritious and flavorful meals that the kids enjoy eating,” said John Maupin, district manager for Chartwells. “Besides providing good quality meals to the students we serve, it is Chartwells’ responsibility to ensure that the meals provided meet USDA guidelines.”

Maupin said passing the Menu Validation Review validates the efforts of Hermiston School District’s Food Service Director Betsy Heath and her staff as well as the time spent daily in meal preparation and menu documentation.

“Chartwells congratulates Betsy, her staff and the district in passing its review and looks forward to continuing our service of the students in the Hermiston School District,” said Maupin.

“We have appreciated the partnership with Chartwells and their willingness to work with us, not only to comply with standards but also to exceed expectations,” said Dr. Jon Mishra, Director of Operations and Business Services. “Hermiston School District was one of the first districts in the state to implement fresh and healthy salad bars at all our serving sites. This progressive attitude has enabled us to ensure quality service to our students.”