School District Officials Laud Student Test Scores


Hermiston School District officials are lauding the results of statewide test results that show Hermiston students with better scores from a year ago.

The tests, taken last spring, show that at the elementary level for grades third through fifth, 52.3 percent of Hermiston School District students met the proficiency standard in English Language Arts (a 5.7 percent increase from the previous year), while 46.5 percent were proficient on the Mathematics assessment, (an increase of 4.5 percent from the previous year). Fifth grade students showing proficiency on the Science assessment increased by 6.1 percent over the previous year, for a proficiency rate of 61 percent.

At the middle school level for grades 6-8, 54.7 percent met the proficiency standard in English Language Arts, which is a slight increase over the previous year; however, 41.5 percent of HSD middle school students met the proficiency standard in Mathematics, which is a 4.3 percent increase. Eighth grade students showing proficiency on the Science assessment rated at 78.9 percent, while the state average was 63 percent.

“In Hermiston, we are pleased to see that our student achievement scores were higher at each grade level, for grades 3-8, in both English Language Arts and Mathematics, over than the previous school year,” said Assistant Superintendent Bryn Browning.

At the high school level (grade 11), 63.1 percent of HSD students met the proficiency standard in English Language Arts. This is a substantial improvement of 21.2 percent over the previous year. In Mathematics, 17.0 percent of our students scored proficient on the state assessment, a decrease of 3.3 percent from the previous year. Eleventh grade students showing proficiency on the Science assessment was 88 percent, while the state average was 63 percent.

“This is still a new system for us, and we have to remind ourselves that this is a different test, measuring different learning standards, and we now have a new baseline around which to set our goals and design instruction,” said Browning. “One major change for Hermiston High School this year is the implementation of new math curriculum materials to support the Common Core State Mathematic standards. We were working with materials from pre-Common Core, and we are reviewing our support structure for math courses through scheduling.”

Students and families of current fourth through ninth graders and 12th graders will receive an individual student report within the next six weeks. Each student will receive a report for language arts and mathematics explaining the achievement score, along with strengths and weaknesses. High school reports will be released at a later date pending Oregon State Board of Education action.

Hermiston School District has a focused strategic plan promoting high levels of collaboration and increased academic rigor, as it serves students based on their strengths and needs. This strategic focus aligns finances and personnel resources to improve curriculum materials, enhance technology and refine instructional practices. The plan also has a component identifying “high levels of family and community partnerships” in order to bring families and educators together to collaboratively work in supporting student achievement.