Sept. 15: Umatilla County Health Reports 3 New COVID-19 Deaths


Umatilla County Health today reported three more deaths in the county due to COVID-19 – the 121st, 122nd and 123rd.

Umatilla County’s 121st death with COVID-19 is a 72-year-old male who tested positive Aug. 18 and died Aug. 30 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart in Springfield. It is not known if this individual had underlying conditions.

Umatilla County’s 122nd death with COVID-19 is a 56-year-old female who tested positive on Aug. 13 and died Sept. 2 at St. Luke’s in Boise, Idaho. This individual had underlying conditions.

Umatilla County’s 123rd death with COVID-19 is an 83-year-old male who tested positive on Aug. 31 and died Sept. 12 at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Hermiston. It is not known if this individual had underlying conditions.

The health department today also reported 58 new COVID-19 cases – down 20 from Tuesday’s total.

Today’s new cases bring the county’s overall total to 14,053. There are currently 665 presumed cases of COVID-19 – up six from Tuesday.

More details are available on the county’s COVID-19 dashboard.

Umatilla County officials reiterated their advice to residents to take precautions against the spread of coronavirus:

To protect your health and the health of others, be sure to wear a mask, wash your hands and practice social distancing. It is imperative that any person who is exhibiting symptoms of respiratory illness stay home. UCo Health continues to discover instances where individuals are continuing to work while sick. Now, more than ever, it is important for businesses to ensure that employees are not coming to work sick. Employees may feel internal and external pressure to work through mild illness. Businesses are encouraged to develop flexible leave policies to support employees who become ill and establish procedures for sending employees who are not feeling well home. Anyone who is exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory illness must stay home from work for 72-hours after all symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, etc.) have resolved.