Service Clubs Gift Kiosk to City of Hermiston

Service Club Kiosk
A dedication ceremony will be held today for the service clubs kiosk on Highway 395 in Hermiston.

Motorists driving down Highway 395 in Hermiston have probably already noticed a recent gift given to the city – a kiosk displaying the logos of local service clubs.

The kiosk is a joint gift from the Hermiston Altrusa Club and the Hermiston Rotary Club. It’s located next to the walking path and fountain near the intersection of Highway 395 and Hurlburt Avenue. In return, the city has agreed to maintain the kiosk and the landscaping surrounding it. The $12,000 kiosk was paid for, in part, by $500 contributions from each of the 12 service clubs that will be featured on the kiosk.

Altrusa member Ann Fialka made the gift official at the Hermiston City Council meeting last week.

“This really is a joint project from the Altrusa, Rotary and the city,” she said.

The kiosk will also include a reference to the city’s website which will list the meeting times and locations of each service club. Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department Director Larry Fetter said the finishing touches to the kiosk include renovating the fountain and landscaping.