Sheriff’s Office to Take Part in Operation Dry Water July 3-5


Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office marine enforcement deputies will participate in Operation Dry Water, which is a national awareness and enforcement campaign focused on reducing the number of alcohol- and drug-related accidents and fatalities, and fostering a stronger, more visible deterrent to alcohol and drug use on the water.

Operation Dry Water, set for July 3-5, was launched in 2009 by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard as well as local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. It has been a highly successful campaign drawing public attention to the dangers of boating under the influence (BUI). Since its inception, law enforcement officers have removed over 4,000 BUI operators from the nation’s waterways and made contact with over 1.5 million boaters during the annual three-day event.

Operation Dry Water is held annually near the Fourth of July holiday; a holiday known for having additional boat on the waters where the increased use of alcohol contributes to boating accidents and fatalities.

The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office currently has two patrol boats, and  Marine Deputies will be actively patrolling the waterways in Umatilla County looking for persons boating under the influence.

“The decision on whether or not to boat under the influence is a choice each boater is faced with,” says Sergeant Josh Roberts. “The mission of the Operation Dry Water campaign is to reduce the number of alcohol- and drug-related deaths on the water. Incidents and fatalities that are a result of boating under the influence are 100% preventable. The Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office urges every boater to keep themselves and others safe by choosing to stay sober while boating.”

Visit for more information about boating under the influence.