Feeling adventurous? The Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department has the perfect trip planned for you, and it involves getting probably more than your feet wet.
On Friday, Aug. 18, experienced rafters and beginners alike are invited to enjoy a full day of rafting 14 pristine miles of the Deschutes River near Maupin. The trip will be guided by High Desert River Outfitters and will include a barbeque lunch, all equipment needed, some of the best whitewater in Oregon, beautiful high desert scenery, and possibly some scenic side hikes and natural water slides.
Participants are to meet at city hall. The adventure begins at 7 a.m. and goes until 8 p.m. It’s open to ages 6 and older (children must be accompanied by adults or students at least 16 years old). Rafters must weigh at least 50 pounds. The cost is $80 for residents and $100 for non-residents, and a discount is available for driving yourself.
The deadline for signing up is Friday, Aug. 4. For more information, call the parks department at 541-667-5018.