Stepping Stones Alliance Seeking Donated Groceries, Other Items

Stepping Stones Alliance updates a weekly grocery list of items they are in need of every Friday. (Graphic courtesy of Stepping Stones Alliance)

For those looking to help the community, the Stepping Stones Alliance updates a weekly grocery list of items in which it is need.

Due to recent high temperatures the Stepping Stones Alliance’s list has included bottled water, Gatorade, sunglasses, hand-held fans and other daily items such as granola bars, ground coffee, new or gently used backpacks, sugar and more. The alliance updates the grocery list every Friday and can be found on its Facebook page.

Donations can be dropped off on any day at the Sleep Center, 80487 W. US-395, from 7:30-9 p.m. For information on the Stepping Stones Alliance, visit its website.