Students Need Up-To-Date Vaccines by Feb. 18 to Remain in School


Hermiston School District is reminding families that state law requires all students in public and private schools, preschools, certified child care facilities and Head Start have an up-to-date immunization record or an exemption on file to stay in school.

If a student’s record on file shows missing immunizations, the student will not be able to attend school as of Wednesday, Feb. 19, which the state has determined as Exclusion Day.

Parents have until Feb. 18 to bring their student’s immunizations up to date and take missing immunization information to the student’s school. Students will be admitted back to school once immunizations are current.

Students will be able to get immunizations the Wellness Clinic, located at Hermiston High School, which is open on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Wednesdays from 12-4 p.m. Families may schedule an appointment by calling 541-667- 6199.

Families may also schedule an appointment with their provider of choice to ensure their child is not excluded on Feb. 19. Once the child has received his or her immunizations, please take the updated immunization record to the child’s school.

For additional information on required Immunizations, click here. For more information on nonmedical vaccine exemptions, click here.