Sunset Students to ‘Show What They Know’


Sunset Elementary School will be hosting a “Show What You Know” event on Thursday, April 27.

Students will display their interest boards between 6-6:45 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. The boards will show what students know about a certain topic. Students signed up for this project before April 14 so that they would have time to build their display.

Families have been working on their colorful display board to share with the Sunset Family. The board is not based on academic achievements but rather the hidden talents that students possess. Snacks are provided to families while they walk through the display area.

In addition to the displays, Sunset will also have the Book Fair open from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the library. The Book Fair pricing is buy one book and get another book (of the same or lesser value) free. Students will be bringing information home in the near future concerning the Book Fair.